Putting together a compelling Facebook ad campaign isn’t easy. It often involves long hours manning one’s laptop, figuring out just the right mix of elements—words, images, and sounds—that might draw the attention of potential customers amidst the seemingly never-ending torrents of ads greeting them all over the internet. 

But creating an ad is just the beginning of a lengthy process. You have to send your ad out into the digital world and figure out how Facebook users are responding to it. The feedback you receive, in the form of measurable engagement data, can be invaluable in guiding your future refinements of the ad, as well as expanding your general knowledge of marketing tactics. This data also enables you to compare the reception of one ad or ad set with another of yours. 

However, obtaining accurate feedback about the customer journey to a conversion isn’t nearly as straightforward as it might seem. 

It can be difficult to determine which ad is responsible for a conversion, or how much influence it had in generating a sale. As a result, many marketing professionals end up allocating their advertising dollars to the wrong Facebook creatives. They abandon relatively successful ads and pour their funds into creatives that customers actually find much less persuasive. It goes without saying that this can have disastrous consequences for your marketing efforts.

Let’s take a look at the difficulties of determining the effectiveness of your Facebook creatives, and how AdBeacon can help orient your campaigns.

Obstacles to an Effective Facebook Creative

There are multiple factors that can sabotage your marketing campaigns. Not the least of these factors is substandard design of your Facebook creatives. Here are a few tips you may wish to consider when you tinker with your ads:

Beware of wordiness – Words can be very helpful in complementing images on your paid social ads, but you need to be careful when splashing text all over the place. Too many words can impede the effectiveness of your Facebook creatives. Text can block your images; also, keep in mind that not everyone processes verbiage at the same speed. If you’ve been struggling with your ads, consider making your displayed text shorter and more concise. 

Don’t forget your call to action – It’s surprising how many marketers overlook this basic element of an effective ad. While ads can be useful in promoting awareness of your products, you’re leaving money on the table if you fail to provide consumers with some basic guidance for future exploration. This can be as simple as including a URL to your website; you can also promote a limited-time offer of goods or services. 

Add movement – Ads that move—that is, contain dynamic content—tend to attract the eye more than static presentations, and that’s important to stand out among the other ads that show up in Facebook News Feed. You don’t have to produce elaborate videos; sometimes, just introducing a simple GIF into your ads can do the trick.

Try carousel ads – This is a useful format for marketers working with a limited budget. A carousel ad allows the users to cycle through two or more designs all in a single ad. It has the advantage of engaging the viewer (they usually have to take action to scroll through the ads) and providing a sense of dynamism that can enhance the experience of viewing static images or text boxes. You can also tell a brief story through the sequential display of multiple images. 

There is another huge impediment to the success of your Facebook creatives, and it has nothing to do with poor ad design. It’s inaccurate data. Facebook’s struggles with reporting conversion-related data are well documented by this point, and can be traced to multiple causes. 

One issue is Facebook’s attribution problems, such as accurately identifying users who have multiple accounts. For instance, a user who views an ad on both their business account and, later, on their personal account will be counted as two separate individuals, even though the same person is responsible for both views.

Moving away from dependance on third-party data, such as that provided by a Facebook ad account, will be increasingly important for marketers as the 2020s progress. AdBeacon is the tool you need to achieve that goal and help you generate relevant content.

What AdBeacon Can Do for You

The AdBeacon platform leverages first-party data, derived from your own customers, to provide unparalleled insights into the performance of your Facebook creatives. Among its various benefits is a wealth of tools that enable you to identify your most profitable ad creatives. 

AdBeacon creates a summary of the best performing creatives as a whole within the entire account. It is built for effective and informed decision-making to allow users to determine which ads are working and which need improvement. AdBeacon’s creative dashboard showcases the best ads in a variety of categories: image, video, copy, image + copy, and video + copy. Users can select the timeframe that is relevant to their analysis. 

Useful features that are directly accessible from the AdBeacon Creative Dashboard include:

  • Ability to search ads by image and text 
  • Comparison of Facebook ROAS and AdBeacon ROAS
  • Accurate data across all ad sets   
  • Up-to-date revenue, cost-per-click (CPC), click-through rate (CTR), and spend stats

Everything is available on a single cleanly organized dashboard, so it’s easy to get a clear view of which ads are performing better than others. And you can easily make changes to your ads directly from the AdBeacon platform itself.

Sign up for a 30-day free trial today.